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Poznań, Poland

Language of the course

The course and materials provided are created for English speakers.

Course overview

Wellbeing & EQ is a 5 days Training which aims to  open up perspectives of personal and professional development of youth workers, educators, staff members and individuals in general.
The course will explore methodologies to support personal development, so that individuals can feel fulfilled also at professional level. The course inetgrates thematics related to overall wellbeing, emotional intelligence, mindfulness in Vipassana context and explore coaching and mentoring methodologies which can be used with young people, children and peers at workplace. The course is a chance to give yourself time to reflect and plan sustainable strategies which can support participants' wellbeing at workplace, at home, while planning free time and resting, expanding boundaries, learning new tools and skills for their professional toolkit.

Target Groups

Teachers, trainers, youth workers:  adults and individuals interested in developing creating thinking and entrepreneurship.
Educators from primary, secondary education and High schools or technical schools, professors from Higher Education Institutions and trainers from organisations.

Goals/ Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:
* Better understand the concept of wellbeing and its importance for personal & professional development at overall satisfaction at workplace;
* Implement methodologies of coaching, mentoring and EQ in daily life and at work;
* Implement sustainable approaches in their every day contexts;
* Explore wellbeing, EQ, mentoring and coaching methodolgogies for own benefit.

Methodology of work

The course lasts 5 days, divided into 3 thematic days. The sessions include theory-based approach, but mostly the workshops will be based on a practical approach, based on learning by doing workshops, role playing, teambuilding exercises,  discussions, during which the participants explore the tools; and individual planning activities, to transfer the learning into the professional daily life. 

Agenda/ Modules

After the course completion

Day 1: Get to know the group and the course

Introduction to the course;
Get to know each other activities;

Learning goals and contributions;
Share experiences at perosnal and professional level;
Personal and professional development.

Day 2: Values Based Learning & Wellbeing

Professional development and sustainability
Relation between personal and professional development;
Develop understanding of Wellbeing: 
Well being in practice. Emotional intelligence and mantra as tools for social and professional health at workplace;
Introduction to seating meditation.

Day 4: Basics of psychology, Positive psychology, Coaching/ Mentoring

Basics of pscyhology: clinical and positive psychology;
Mentoring and Coaching: Methods which can be used in everyday life (The Coaching Game and Punctum, powerful coaching questions, Inside Life Cards).

Certification provided;
Course materials shared via email.


Day 3: Mindfulness & Vipassana

Introduction to Mindfulness in the context of Vipassana; 
Seating and walking meditation;
Meditation practice;
Peer support.

Day 5: Closing & cultural exploring

Sustainable strategies of wellbeing;
Course evaluation;
Formal evaluation;
Reflection on future methods to implement in daily life;

Certification of the course;
Cultural visit in Poznan (optional).

Tuition fee: 5 days course: 480 EUR, individual participants | 430 EUR per participant, when registering a groupThe course includes certificates and materials. Cultural visits are optional and not included in the course fee.

The course can be co-funded by the programme Erasmus+. For more information, contact the National Agency in your country.



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