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A need for development

Our approach to COVID19

Read our call for action bellow

There is no doubt that our students have lost enormously in matter of interpersonal relations and skills due to COVID19 and remote schooling. While learning and knowledge can be, to some extent, developed through a screen, skills however need to be practiced in order to be improved. The current generation, who will be working in the future labor market has been home schooled since March 2020. They listen to lessons, do their homework, and pass their tests. What about actually knowing how to do something? It was long time ago and happens rarely these occasions, when they actually practice cooperating with classmates, or have the chance to discuss ideas to implement changes or solutions. The creative problem solving skills, communication and teamwork has been somehow lost. Rather than moving forward, education through a screen supports sedentary lifestyle, passive learning and drops down any sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (the capacity to generate ideas). The question of which future are we promoting is still hanging without answers. While we do not have these answers, we can continue promoting school as the learning place to develop skills and attitudes needed for any kind of future, in which adults will still need to communicate, listen to each other, develop ideas for businesses and mostly, understand what they really want to do with their life. No matter which future will be ahead of us, we will be still humans and we will have to work with other human beings. Then, let’s support that.


This is what makes our offer different and why we propose it to you:


Society will always be changing. As it is known “change is the biggest constant of life”[1]. The lack of skills needed for a constant changing society, as the one we live in nowadays, is not something new. COVID19 and the changes on schooling have just brought and emphasized something that was present in the young people’s life already. Our offer is based on learning to cope with these changes, by developing young people’s skills which make it easier to adapt. We offer workshops which support the development of a work-studying balance, supporting learning but also the development of social and interpersonal skills.

The students and young people, during our workshops, have the chance to make mistakes, because these mistakes are place for learning and grow; but are also crucial to open up for discussions between the group in the classroom. We develop a platform for understanding within the processes of learning. Our methodology is based on learning by doing, through practical workshops, using the component of fun, crucial to break barriers between team members.


Our workshops are a chance for young people to:


Become more aware of their own capacities;

Become empowered to implement changes and learn further;

Become aware of the opportunities they have and how they can have impact in their lives;

Develop self-confidence;

Develop motivation for learning;

Develop cooperative and communicative skills;

Develop problem solving skills.

We are a milestone to develop better support for young people, especially in crisis moments, when they need it the most. We want to support their school curriculum; so we support the educational institutions, teachers and pedagogues, all together.



After all, isn’t that the goal we all educators assigned for? Contact us. We can work together.


[1] John Assaraf.

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