"Zaangażowanie w uczenie się i nauczanie: Łączenie edukacji formalnej i pozaformalnej w celu pokonania obecnych wyzwań edukacyjnych" | "Engaging learning and teaching: Combining formal and non-formal education to overcome current educational challenges"
"Tell me, then I'll forget. Teach me, then I may remember. Engage me, I'll learn", Benjamin Franklin
Young people have a wonderful capacity to think, imagine things and invent; however, they are not always interested in learning or do not see its relevance in their lives. The formal education system is the place where skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to future work life are acquired. Teachers and educational actors have a great responsibility to support students in a commitment to personal development that will later lead to professional interests; at the same time, they have to deal with changes in the educational field that occur in the society.
Our workshop will analyze the difficulties young people face in their educational development. We will also spend time developing strategies to support the learning process.
We will work on the research needs of schools and the difficulties faced throughout online learning in the past year.
The workshop is an introductory meeting on the following topics: the concept of engaging youth in active learning and learning online, the development of methodologies for non-formal education, analyzing the needs of individual classes, designing possible solutions and learning alternatives, and discussing resources, ideas, and ways to implement strategies, discussing action plans. The working methodology will be based on the methods of creative thinking and the concept of learning by doing as a tool to support a better understanding of the learning process and coaching methodologies.